
If you’re new to yoga, we’ve put together this information to get you going.

We are all different, and we move in different ways. Viniyoga takes account of this and allows a variety of adaptations to enable you to enjoy and experience the benefits of yoga whatever your level of experience.

This includes:

  1. Breath-focused movement: each movement begins and ends with the breath, allowing you to be guided by your breathing. The inhale and exhale actions facilitate different movements and provide different potency.
  2. Function of the posture over form of the posture: the posture may need to be modified for you but will still allow you to receive the benefit of the posture.
  3. Moving in and out of the posture before a stay in the posture: moving in and out of the posture before staying allows you to examine your patterns of movement so that when you stay, your body parts are in the correct alignment.
  4. Sequencing of the postures: each posture has a different benefit and often requires preparation as well as counter posture after (to allow your spine to move back to a neutral position). The correct sequencing is therefore important to ensure you get the most from the posture whilst minimising the risk of injury or muscle stain.

What does a typical class look like?

Classes are seventy-five minutes long and consist mostly of movements (asana) with a focused breathing practice (pranayama) at the end, followed by time for questions.

Each posture will be demonstrated, so don’t worry if you’re not familiar with this style of yoga. I will move around the room as we practice to offer advice and guidance on your posture.

Each class begins with a short practice to help you (and your body) feel safe and relaxed, maximising the benefit you get from the session.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga can:

  1. Help with mental health issues, such a reducing stress and anxiety.
  2. Help with heart health and aid with lowering blood pressure.
  3. Promote better sleep quality.
  4. Improve flexibility and balance.
  5. Increase strength.

The style of yoga taught by Susie is based closely on the teachings that have evolved out of those transmitted by T.K.V. Desikachar and his father T. Krishnamacharya of Chennai, India.


  • BBC – is yoga as good for me as aerobic exercise?
  • HealthLine – 13 Benefits of Yoga
  • NHS – Guide to yoga
  • NetDoctor – health benefits of yoga
  • NIH – exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga